Topic 1: Introduction to Computer-Assisted Language Learning

Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) use of digital technology as an aid to language teaching and learning.

How did Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) originate from Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI), and what was the initial perception of computers in educational settings?

CALL stemmed from CAI to explore computers' role in language learning, initially met with skepticism but evolving into accepted tools for enhanced instruction.

Dixit, R. (2022). How Important Is Technology In Education? [Imagen]. eLearning Industry.

How is CALL considered?

CALL is not categorized as a method but rather as a student-centered learning material, emphasizing self-paced learning and individualized instruction. Its primary focus is on facilitating language learning, not teaching, through bidirectional interactions. CALL materials are integral in teaching to enhance the language learning process, embodying features that promote personalized and interactive learning experiences.

Here you will find more information about Call:

PURPLELEGEND. (2021, 6 de noviembre). Computer Assisted Language Learning [Video]. YouTube.

Characteristics of CALL

  • Student-centered approach.
  • Bidirectional and individualized learning opportunities.
  • Use of multimedia for interactive learning experiences.
  • Provision of immediate feedback.
  • Facilitation of self-paced learning.

The history of CALL

The history of CALL dates back to the 1950s and 1960s, initially focusing on simple language learning programs. By the 1980s, CALL expanded with interactive multimedia and learner-centered approaches. Since then, it has evolved alongside technology, becoming an essential part of language learning worldwide, offering diverse tools and methods for self-paced and personalized instruction.

Approaches to CALL
What are the fundamental characteristics and historical evolution of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL), and how does it differ from traditional language teaching methods?

Chacko, A. (2023). Your Guide To Social Media Comments | Sprout Social [Imagen]. sproutsocial.



  1. Great blog! It illuminated aspects of CALL.

  2. Awesome introduction to computer assisted language learning, interesting to know more about the history of CALL.


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